Page 145 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 145

Performance Measures

         Workload Indicators                                          FY2022    FY2023       FY2023      FY2024
                                                                      Actual    Adopted      Projected  Target
         Processed separations/retirements                               30         30          30           25
         Processed promotions/transfers                                  23         18          18           16
         Performed payroll/benefit transactions                         749         700         700         700
         Onboarded new employees                                         57         50          50           45
         Applications processed                                        1,485       1,450       1,450       1,350
         Positions posted                                                59         50          50           45
         Workers Compensation claims processed                           22         27          27           22
         Team building morale events held                                1           5           5           6
         Employee fundraising events                                     2           2           1           1
         Wellness events/opportunities                                   4           4           6           6

                                                                             FY2022            FY2023       FY2024
         Measurement           Strategic Goal            Measure
                                                         Type             Goal    Actual    Goal   Actual     Goal
         Increase the annual
         percentage of         # 7.  Attract, retain, and
         employees who         motivate qualified staff.   Efficiency     95%      78%      95%      72%      95%
         pass probation to
         greater than 95%
         Increase the time to
         fill vacant positions   # 7.  Attract, retain, and   Efficiency   45       92       45      120       65
         within the city.      motivate qualified staff.                  Days     Days     Days    Days      Days

         % of performance
         reviews completed     # 7.  Attract, retain, and
         on time annually.     motivate qualified staff.    Efficiency    95%      49%      95%      99%     100%

   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150