Page 126 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
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               general  and  administrative  fees  or  obligations  that  the  General  Fund  provides.  The
               contributing  funds  include  the  proprietary funds  (Water and  Sewer,  Storm  Drain) and
               special revenue funds (Crime Control and Economic Development Fund).  These are
               projected at 5% of General Fund Revenues.

               General Fund Expenditures

               The operating expenditures (including transfers) for the General Fund total $18,199,170.
               This  is  a  $1,734,275,  or  a  13.7%  increase  over  last  year’s  budgeted  expenditures,
               including transfers.  Personnel expenditures make up 72% of the General Fund’s budget.
               As  mentioned  previously,  the  City  has  been  striving  to  restore  positions  that  were
               unfunded as a cost saving measure in FY2019-20 and FY2020-21.  A total of 7.75 full-
               time equivalent positions were added to the general fund this year, of which 3.5 full-time
               equivalents were moved into the General Fund that were previously funded by the ARPA
               grant.  The additional 3.75 full-time equivalents were added due to the restoration of the
               summer camp and preschool programs at the Community Center.  The fire SAFER grant
               was completed in the second quarter of fiscal year 2022-23 and all of the six positions
               funded by this grant have now been absorbed by the general fund.  In the FY2023-24
               budget, medical insurance costs were increased by 8%, and the City’s TMRS (retirement
               funding) was increased by 1.8%.    Also included is a 5% cost of living for all employees,
               civil service step increases, and a merit increase for general government employees.
               Police and Fire expenditures make up 51% of the General Fund Budget.

               The General Fund  expenditures include $50,000 of contingency funds for  unforeseen
               events or emergency purchases during the year.  Transfers will be made this year to the
               Capital Projects Fund to pay for the debt service for the Rufe Snow Street Project, a joint

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