Page 127 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
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               City of Watauga and City of North Richland Hills project.  This will be the City’s last year
               for  this  transfer  and  payment.    Additionally,  the  transfer  will  cover  miscellaneous
               engineering services. A transfer from General Fund to other funds include a transfer to
               the Capital Projects Fund for sidewalk replacements in the amount of $150,000.  Street
               Maintenance is funded this year by previous transfers to the General Capital Projects

               There will be a utilization of fund balance for one-time expenditures and programs in the
               amount of $448,270 for this year and the projected ending fund balance for FY2023-24
               is $7,982,657, which equates to 44% of operating expenditures in reserves.  This is above
               the  minimum  target  policy  of  twenty-five  percent  (25%)  by  approximately  $3.4  million
               which may be used in future budgets for one-time expenditures, such as funding of capital

               General Fund Debt Service Fund

               As discussed in the General Fund section above, the City bases its ad valorem tax rate
               on the certified appraisal roll provided by the Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD).  A combined
               tax rate is adopted each year by the City Council that funds 1) the use and support of the
               general fund (maintenance and operations rate) and 2) to finance the City’s Debt Service
               Fund (referred to as Interest and Sinking, or I&S rate) for payment of annual principal and
               interest due on outstanding general indebtedness.  This is the portion obligated for debt
               service payments and is projected on payments as specified in debt obligations.  The
               fund receives a transfer-in from the Economic Development Corporation for their payment
               of various economic development and parks projects within the City.

               The  City  has  existing  long-term  debt  issued  for  the  construction  of  capital  facilities,
               infrastructure, and vehicles and equipment.  The debt service requirement for principal
               and  interest  payments  and  fiscal  agent  charges  for  totals  $4,150,767.    This  amount
               includes debt service for the 2023 Certificates of Obligation debt issuance for projects
               included in the General Capital Project Fund and listed below.   The ending fund balance
               is projected to be $1,036,276.

                General Capital Projects Fund

               The General Capital Projects Fund provide the basic resource for general government
               projects  such  as  streets,  parks,  public  facilities,  equipment,  and  other  infrastructure
               needs.    Many  of  these  projects  are  funded  from  debt  issuance  proceeds  and  the
               remaining are funded by a transfer in from the General Fund.  Other revenues include
               interest income on investments, and proceeds of the sale of surplus property.

               The following projects will be funded this year:

                   ✓  This year the sidewalk program will be funded at $150,000.
                   ✓  Engineering costs have been funded at $30,000 in anticipation of additional needs
                       throughout the City.

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