Page 131 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
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2 years of the grant, and 35% of funding for the 3 year of the grant. The SAFER Grant
Fund was completed in February 2023, and grant funding reduced to 0% in FY2023-2024,
thus increasing the general fund portion of funding for these positions.
The City received a CARES Act Grant for reimbursement of COVID-19 response
expenditures in the amount of $1,307,350 that was expended in fiscal years 2019-20 and
2020-21. The City earned and expended all of the funds by December 31, 2020, as
outlined in the CARES Act funding guidelines.
The American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CLFRF)
provides funding to local governments to broadly respond to the COVID-19 public health
emergency and restore governments to pre-pandemic staffing levels and for the provision
of general government services. Two tranches of payments were made to local
governments serving populations under 50,000. The City received a total of $6.072
million in CLFRF funding to be obligated by 2024 and fully expended by December 2026.
In July 2022, the City Council approved the Spending Plan Framework for the ARPA
funds. In FY2023-2024, $4,000,000 has been budgeted in grant revenues and
expenditures, which includes infrastructure projects that will continue over the next couple
of years. These include the lead pipe identification project, enhanced funding for a water
and sewer project, and the Park Vista drainage project. Additional funding is provided for
personnel programs to target recruitment and retaining staff, and a generator for the water
tower. The leave liability reduction program was completed in FY2022-2023.
Proprietary Funds
Storm Drainage Fund
A $11.00 fee per month per residential utility account was adopted through the Code of
Ordinances, to enhance drainage of properties within the City. Commercial accounts are
charged a uniform rate, but the amount charged is based on impervious area. The fee is
billed and collected through the Utility Billing Office and is 99.8% of the Storm Drain Utility
Revenues. Projections are based on the active accounts and rate charges. The last fee
review was conducted in FY2020.
Total charges for services are forecast to be $1,485,000 for service charges, with total
revenues of $1,645,000. Total expenditures are $2,462,700. The operating expenditure
budget is $937,400, with additional transfers to other funds in the amount of $194,000.
This year, $1,331,300 in capital projects are included in the budget to include the drainage
portion of Whitley Road Phase 4 and 5. The projected ending fund resources will be
$3,502,000 if all budgeted capital projects are completed.
Water and Sewer Fund