Page 280 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 280

Sales Tax Districts

        Southlake ParkS develoPment CorPoration (SPdC)


        The Southlake Parks Development Corporation, a citizen-approved, development corporation established to
        develop and operate park and recreational facilities, uses a half-cent sales tax for all uses permitted by State law.
        The operating fund is used to finance, develop and operate park and recreation facilities, while the debt service
                                               SPDC - OPERATING FUND
        fund is used to account for the accumulation of financial resources for payment of long-term principle and interest
        costs for SPDC improvements.  The uses of this fund are restricted to those allowed by law and approved by the
        Board of Directors.               2023  Proposed and 2022 Revised Budget

                                                              $ Increase/                      $ Increase/
                               2021       2022       2022     (Decrease)  % Increase/  2023    (Decrease)  % Increase/
                               Actual    Adopted    Amended    Adopted    -Decrease  Proposed   Adopted   -Decrease
        Sales Tax             $9,249,931  $8,140,300  $9,800,000  $1,659,700  20.4%  $9,898,000  $1,757,700    21.6%
        Rental Income           153,824    153,824    153,824         0        0.0%    153,824        0         0.0%
        Interest                  6,910      8,400      4,100     (4,300)    -51.2%      4,200     (4,200)    -50.0%
        Total Revenues        $9,410,665  $8,302,524  $9,957,924  $1,655,400  19.9%  $10,056,024  $1,753,500   21.1%

        Personnel               $245,758  $278,743   $278,743        $0        0.0%   $262,726   ($16,017)     -5.7%
        Operations            $1,217,241  $1,366,480  $1,369,305   2,825       0.2%  $1,428,425    61,945       4.5%
        Capital                 $22,739   $190,200   $190,000       (200)     -0.1%   $228,200     38,000      20.0%
        Total Expenditures    $1,485,738  $1,835,423  $1,838,048  $2,625       0.1%  $1,919,351   $83,928      4.6%

        Net Revenues          $7,924,927  $6,467,101  $8,119,876  $1,652,775         $8,136,673  $1,669,572

        Transfers Out          (5,142,497)  (7,128,897)  (7,195,113)  $66,216        (9,686,624)  2,557,727
        Proceeds from C.O. Sale      0          0          0                                0
        Total Other Sources (Uses)  ($5,142,497)  ($7,128,897)  ($7,195,113)        ($9,686,624)

        Beginning Fund Balance  $9,381,016  $12,163,446  $12,163,446                $13,088,209
        Ending Fund Balance  $12,163,446  $11,501,650  $13,088,209                  $11,538,258

            fy 2023 highlightS:

            •  The SPDC Operating Fund is projected to receive $9,898,000 in sales tax revenue, $153,824 in rental income,
               and $4,200 in interest earnings for total projected FY 2023 revenue of $10,056,024. This represents a projected
               21.1% increase over the FY 2022 Adopted Budget.

            •  Total expenditures for the Operating Fund are $1,919,351. This is a 4.6% increase from the FY 2022 Adopted

            •  The adopted FY 2023 Budget includes $1,428,425 for operations, $228,200 for capital expenses, and $262,726
               for personnel. SPDC park maintenance costs represent about 37% of the current total park maintenance costs.
               The proposal to fund certain maintenance costs in SPDC is balanced with master plan implementation, capital
               costs, and fund balance needs.

            •  The ending fund balance for the SPDC Operating Fund will be $11,538,258.

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