Page 277 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 277

crIme control PreventIon dIstrIct (ccPd)

        In 1997, Southlake led the area in growth as the population jumped from
        7,080 to 16,750 residents. Along with the rapid growth, resources became    CCPd goalS
        thin and providing a safe environment was deemed critical to the continued
        economic and social vitality of the City. As a result, the Crime Control and   With the reauthorization of the CCPD
        Prevention District (CCPD) was created as a means of funding necessary   in May 2017, the Board outlined the
        public safety facilities and equipment in an effort to enhance community   following strategies to guide future CCPD
        safety while sharing the tax burden with non-residents who spend money   investments:
        in Southlake.                                                                 Achieve the highest standards
                                                                                      of school safety and security
        The half-cent sales tax collection to fund the CCPD began in April 1998,      through the School Resource
        with the first sales tax check received in June 1998. State law provides that   Officer program.
        a district’s life is limited to five years, unless voters continue the district by
        approval of a referendum. In February 2002, Southlake voters approved the     Achieve the highest standards
        continuation of the CCPD for 15 years, and the District was set to sunset in   of safety and security
        2018 unless reauthorized by the voters.                                       through:
                                                                                      •   public education,
        In May 2015, Southlake voters, chose to reallocate a three-eighths cent           community engagement,
        portion from the CCPD to the formation of a new sales tax district to fund        and specialized programs
        recreational  and  economic  development  projects.    Approval  of  the  new     that support a low
        district provided the funding needed to construct and support operations          crime rate and effective
                                                                                          emergency response;
        of the new community center, The Marq Southlake. This left a one-eighth
        cent  allocation  remaining  for  CCPD  activities  through  the  new  sunset   •   modern technology and
        period, 2038, as authorized by the voters in May 2017.                            equipment; and,
                                                                                      •   a well-trained, well-
        Fund Utilization                                                                  equipped and professional
        Allowable CCPD expenses include: CCPD program administration, treatment           police department.
        and  preventative  programs,  court  and  prosecution  services,  community
        related crime prevention, and police and law enforcement related programs.    Invest to provide high quality
                                                                                      public safety facilities.
        Today, the primary use of the fund is to pay for School Resource Officers at
        Carroll ISD schools, as well as for needed materials and equipment for the
        Police Department. The use of the CCPD allowed the City of Southlake to fund major initiatives to improve the safety
        and security in Southlake, including:

             •  DPS West Facility: The DPS West facility opened in March 2002 and was funded with $4 million of CCPD
                monies. In 2018, the district funded another $2.2 million for the reconfiguration of the facility. This facility
                provides quick access to home and businesses on the west side of Southlake.
             •  DPS Headquarters: DPS Headquarters was dedicated on January 8, 2010, after nearly two years of construction,
                and was funded with $30 million of CCPD funding. The 80,000 plus square-foot structure was customized to
                accommodate both the current and future needs of the community.
             •  DPS North Station: The DPS North station is strategically positioned to serve the northern parts of the city
                faster, which results in saving lives and property. Additionally, the state-of-the-art facility includes an indoor
                gun range, 112 seat auditorium for training, and fire station. The CCPD revenue allowed the City to pay for the
                $16.7 million facility in 50% cash and pay the remainder with four-year bonds.

             •  Other safety programs and initiatives, including the enhanced School Resource Officer program, continuation
                of the K-9 program, and the implementation of body-worn cameras.

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