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                                Drainage Capital Projects

           Project Name                                        Project Description
         Big Fossil Creek Flood   This project consists of performing a flood study on the existing BFC-7 Tributary to Big Fossil Creek.
         Study - BFC7 - Continuing   BFC-7 begins just south of Loop 820 with a TxDOT outfall channel south of the highway, then south
         Project                into the Meadow Lakes subdivision, including portions of Meadow Lakes Drive, Lake Side Circle,
                                Pebble Court, and the two lakes between Riviera Drive and Meadow Lakes Drive.  The flood study
                                would update FEMA's model to reflect the current hydrology and hydraulics, and upgrade this area to a
                                Zone AE from its current Zone A status.  The engineering budget for this project includes FEMA review
                                fees for the Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) that will be required to update the maps.

         Channel Cleaning / Street   This is a recurring program that consists of cleaning out sediment that has built up over time in some of
         Drainage Improvements -   the City's earthen channels.  This project also consists of repairing curb & gutter sections that currently
         Continuing Project     pond water in existing streets.

         Concrete Lined Channel   This project involves ongoing rehabilitation of the City's seven (7) miles of concrete lined channels.
         Rehabilitation Project -   The scope of the project will include repairing areas of channel that have deteriorated, cracked,
         Continuing Project     dropped, collapsed, heaved, or hold water due to heavy ground movement and/or age.  The needed
                                repairs include patching of channel walls and channel bottoms, replacing wall sections, and replacing
                                channel bottom sections to ensure proper drainage.  The intent is to utilize $250,000 in funding every
                                other year to arrive at a total project amount of $1,000,000 over seven years.

                                Project Status:  Confirming scope and location of work to bid project to external contractors.

         Mackey Creek Flood Study -   This project consists of creating new hydrologic and hydraulic models to provide regulatory floodplain
         Continuing Project     mapping for Mackey Creek from upstream of Shauna Drive to Big Fossil Creek (approximately 2.4
                                miles). This study would also identify potential future capital improvement projects to reduce the size of
                                or completely eliminate the floodplain within the study area. The original study for Mackey Creek was
                                done in 1985 with the City's Master Drainage Plan.  New topographic data is available along Mackey
                                Creek and new floodplain modeling techniques would be used in the study.
                                Project status:  Flood study is complete.  Study findings include a minor decrease in floodplain limits.
                                Future drainage infrastructure (approx. $4M) could further reduce floodplain limits.

         Meadow Lakes BFC-7     This project consists of upsizing and augmenting the existing storm drain system from north of Surrey
         Drainage Improvements -   Court to the outfall in the eastern lake in the Meadow Lakes neighborhood.  The engineering firm that
         New Project            performed the flood study provided three infrastructure alternatives, including a regional detention pond
                                immediately south of the Loop 820 frontage road and two different underground storm drain alignments
                                in excess of 1,500 linear feet within the Meadow Lakes Addition to convey stormwater from the north
                                into the upper lake behind the homes on Lake Side Circle and Pebble Court.

         North Hills Addition - Bewley  This project consists of designing and constructing public drainage improvements serving a portion of
         Drive Drainage         the North Hills Subdivision.  This area was developed decades ago with no underground drainage. The
         Improvements - Continuing   scope of the improvements consists of installing approximately 450 LF of concrete flume, installing
         Project                grouted rock riprap at the end of the flume to prevent erosion.

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