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Transportation Management Project will expand the existing traffic signalization program to
improve traffic congestion. The project will add controllers, vehicle detection equipment, and
communication systems for $195,000 from General CIP Reserves.
Sao Paulo Court reconstruction of 410 linear feet of concrete. The project includes $369,416
from Tarrant County CDBG funds and a contingency for matching funds, if necessary, of
$15,000 from General CIP Reserves.
Drainage Utility Fund Capital Improvements
The city collects draining fees monthly and the following projects will be funded from existing
drainage fund reserves:
Meadow Lakes BFC-7 Drainage improvements for $1,200,000
Northwest Sunnybrook Drainage improvements for $212,000
Stream LB-1 Bank Restoration for $325,000
Street Drainage Improvement Projects for $100,000
Walker Branch Channel Repair for $400,000
Utility Fund Capital Improvements
Annual Wastewater Manhole Replacement and Rehabilitation Program for $250,000 from
Utility Fund Reserves
Cellular Meter Reading Replacement for $4,855,500 from Certificates of Obligation Bonds.
Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update for $160,000 from Utility CIP Fund Reserves.
Lead and Copper Service Line Assessment for $775,000 from Utility CIP Fund Reserves.
Lowery Lane Sewer Main Replacement for $275,000 from Utility CIP fund Reserves.
Watauga Road 24” Transmission Main Replacement for $6,150,000 from Certificates of
Obligation Bonds.
Parks, Recreation, and Aquatic Park Fund Capital Improvements
Annual Tree Planting for $25,000 from Park Fund Reserves
Annual Park Infrastructure Maintenance for $220,000 from Park Fund Reserves
Cross Timbers Bleacher Shade Replacement for $45,000 from Park Fund Reserves
Dr. Pillow Playground Replacement for $200,000 from Park Fund Reserves
Green Valley Fence & Drainage Improvements for $150,000 from Park Fund Reserves
NRH Centre Equipment Replacement for $120,000 from NRH Centre Reserves
Weather Stations Alert System for $101,689 from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grant
General Aquatic Park Facility Maintenance for $100,000 from Aquatic Park Fund Reserves
Green Xtreme Replacement Design Project for $200,000 from Aquatic Park Fund Reserves
Park Attraction & Facility Analysis Project for $85,000 from Aquatic Park Fund Reserves
Major Equipment Capital Improvements
2003 Fire Engine Replacement for $986,000 from Certificates of Obligation
2003 Dump Truck Replacement for $184,500 from Certificates of Obligation