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Capital Improvement Plan Summary
2020 Street Bond Program and Street Improvements
The adopted budget includes the third issuance of bonds related to the 2020 bond program that was
approved by 79% of NRH voters in November 2020. The budget includes $12,375,000 in debt
issuance to continue moving forward on the design and construction of streets in the bond program.
Projects included in the 2022-23 bond sale include Stonybrooke Drive, Nob Hill Drive, Dawn Drive,
Main Street and Windhaven Rd. During the bond election process, the City Council informed the
public that the Interest and Sinking Fund (debt service) portion of the tax rate would grow by no
more than 3% annually. The 2022-23 bond sale stays within this amount and still keeps the project
work on schedule. This will help address a number of top requests received from our recent citizen
survey. The 2022-23 budget is anticipated to cover all of these expenses without an increase in
rates, fees or charges. Beyond the 2020 bond election, the city will invest in several other significant
street and roadway projects.
Annual Preventative Street Maintenance for $1,000,000 from General Fund Reserves to
cover crack sealing, slurry seal, asphalt microsurface, asphalt overlay, concrete crack sealing
and concrete partial pavement replacement for assorted streets throughout the city.
Additionally, the budget includes Supplemental Preventative Street Maintenance for
$5,000,000 from Debt Issuance. In addition to the typical annual investment for preventative
street maintenance outlined above, the city has taken a strategic approach to doubling the
annual investment in street maintenance for the next five years while taking advantage of
current favorable bond conditions. Given the looming continued increases in interest rates
associated with capital projects, the city will issue all of the debt at once
Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacement for $50,000 from General Fund Reserves.
Acts Court Retaining Wall improvements that will replace and existing terraced railroad tie
retaining wall with a concrete masonry wall for $120,000 from General CIP Reserves.
Pavement Marking Improvements including restriping of lanes on portions of Rufe Snow,
North Tarrant Parkway, Holiday Lane, and Mid-Cities Boulevard for $250,000 from General
CIP Reserves.
Pedestrian Connectivity Enhancements to construct sidewalks in areas serving highly
pedestrian traveled areas near schools, trails, and TexRail. The project will focus on Davis
Northeast Parkway to Cotton Belt Trail and on Smithfield Rd from Northeast Parkway to
Cotton Belt Trail for $175,000 from General CIP Reserves
Street Assessment Program which will collect, analyze, and process data using ground
penetrating radar to assess the condition of 549 lane miles of streets to update the city’s
digital rating system. The project will cost $140,000 from General CIP Reserves and will
ultimately be used to develop a long-range plan for street improvements.