Page 260 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 260

Actual     Actual     Budget     Budget
          Performance Measures                                           2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
           Park supervisor meetings                                         6          6         12         12
           Park certifications completed                                    -         216        228        240
           Staff certifications                                             5          8         12         14
           Security cameras in the parks system                            110        120        130        146

                                                                 N          O          R          T          H
          Goal #3                                                ●                     ●          ●
           Preserve Natural Spaces
           Protect ecologically sensitive areas through land preservation and environmentally conscious practices.
           1. LED lights have been installed to convert trail and park lights to more energy efficient options.
           2. Community ponds (8) are stocked with fish using environmentally sound maintenance practices.

                                                                          Actual     Actual     Budget     Budget
          Performance Measures                                           2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
           LED lights installed/upgraded                                   126        12         22         20
           Fish stocked in the ponds                                      7,200      7,200      8,275      8,275

                                                                 N          O          R          T          H
          Goal #4                                                ●                     ●          ●
           Improve Health and Wellness
           Provide safe and engaging spaces and opportunities for residents to connect, build relationships, improve health, and make memories.
           1. Regular playground inspections and certifications are in place to provide a safe play environment.
           2. Care for additional trails to the citywide trail system that connect parks, neighborhoods, and businesses to the community.
           3. Care for additional playgrounds and pavilions within the parks system that provide more opportunities for play for residents.

                                                                          Actual     Actual     Budget     Budget
          Performance Measures                                           2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
           Playground inspections and certifications                       192        192        192        228
           Park and linear trail miles                                      7          8          9         10
           Citywide pavilions, picnic areas, and amphitheater              15         15         15         16

                                                                 N          O          R          T          H
          Goal #5                                                ●                     ●          ●          ●
           Cultivate Community Pride
           Provide parks, programs, and events that foster pride, generate positive attention and encourage tourism and economic growth .

           1. Mowing cycles of all city-maintained parks and athletic fields are in place to provide a high standard of service for residents and
           2. GreenCity GIS Lifecycle practices are put in place to inspect and replace furnishings and fixtures in order to maintain high standards.
           3. Acquire equipment that will allow for more efficiencies and cost effective methods for maintenance operations.

                                                                          Actual     Actual     Budget     Budget
          Performance Measures                                           2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
           Furnishings and fixtures replaced                               30         27         26         30
           Additional equipment acquired                                    4          4          7          3

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