Page 226 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 226
Budget Summary
The Public Works Division includes the Engineering Department and the Street Maintenance/Traffic
Management Department. The Environmental Services Department is also in this division, and details can
be found in the Special Revenue Funds section of the budget document.
The Public Works Division oversees all City infrastructure construction and maintains the City’s
roadways and drainage infrastructure. The Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions in this division are
budgeted on an allocation basis among the General Fund, Street Construction Fund, Utility Construction
Fund, and Environmental Services Fund.
The Public Works Division budget increased 5.84% in FY 2022-2023. The primary increase was in Street
Maintenance/Traffic Management. In response to the Citizen Survey conducted in FY 2020-2021, the
City Manager recommended that City Council continue to add funding to the Street Department budget to
address street conditions and traffic congestion. City Council approved the funding increase as well as
two full-time equivalent positions (one tradesperson and one signal technician) during the budget
approval process. The Engineering Department decreased overall because of the reallocation of some
salary and benefits, although operating costs increased due to the necessary replacement of computers.
Public Works Actual Actual Budget Budget % Change
Departments 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2022-2023
Engineering $ 484,283 $ 560,256 $ 519,177 $ 477,347 -8.06%
Street Maint./Traffic Mgmt. 4,414,496 4,447,757 5,857,019 6,270,919 7.07%
Total $ 4,898,779 $ 5,008,013 $ 6,376,197 $ 6,748,266 5.84%
Actual Actual Budget Budget % Change
Departments 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2022-2023
Personnel Services $ 2,204,406 $ 2,064,055 $ 2,311,202 $ 2,483,632 7.46%
Operations 2,694,373 2,943,958 4,064,995 4,264,634 4.91%
Total $ 4,898,779 $ 5,008,013 $ 6,376,197 $ 6,748,266 5.84%