Page 196 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 196

N          O          R          T          H
          Goal #3                                               ●          ●
           Actively increase training and certification of employees in order to improve employee knowledge and skills in other department
           functions for succession planning.
           1. Update department policies and procedures, outlining processes and responsibilities as we continue to transfer to a virtual
           permitting system.
           2. Update current front counter handbook to ensure consistency and continued service when short-staffed and provide onboard and
           cross-training for new and existing staff.

                                                                         Actual     Actual     Budget     Budget
          Performance Measures                                          2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
          Additional employee certification gained               1         2          4          6
          Employee cross-training                                -          -         1          2

                                       Actual          Actual           Budget          Budget         % Change
         Building Safety/Inspections  2019-2020       2020-2021        2021-2022       2022-2023       2022-2023
         Personnel Services        $             1,182,058 $            1,088,503 $            1,219,956 $            1,313,967  7.71%
         Operations                                   45,339                   44,403                     63,768                 822,925  1190.50%

          Total                    $           1,227,397 $            1,132,907 $            1,283,724 $            2,136,892  66.46%

                  Building Safety/Inspections         2020-2021    2021-2022     2022-2023     2022-2023
                  Full Time Equivilent Positions       Budget        Budget       Budget        Change
                  Chief Building Official                 1             1            1
                  Plans Examiner                          2             2            2
                  Permit Clerk                            2             2            2
                  Building Inspectors                     5             5            6             1
                  Total                                  10            10            11            1

               Contact: J. Paul Coker, 817-276-4223

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