Page 201 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 201

N        O         R         T         H
               Goal #2                                           ●                  ●         ●
                Support the health, safety, and welfare of the community and its pets by being involved and providing excellent customer service.

                1. Expand engagement with Mansfield Volunteer Program, My Mansfield Muni-Versity, and neighborhood leadership groups.
                2. Host department cleanup and repair projects and educational outreach events.
                3. Conduct community-friendly animal events and enrichment programs resulting in pet adoptions.

                                                                         Actual    Actual   Budget    Budget
               Performance Measures                                     2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
                Mansfield Volunteer Program Events                         3        3         3         3
                HOA Meetings                                               1         -        2         3
                Neighborhood Engagements                                   -        2         2         4
                Muni-versity                                               -        1         1         2
                Repair Projects Completed                                  7        8         3         5
                Animal-related Service Calls                             3,312     4,505     4,200    4,000
                Animals Impounded                                        1,522     1,437     1,550    2,000
                Animals Reclaimed/Returned (%)                            56%      20%       68%       20%
                Animals Adopted                                           390       523      500       650

                                                                 N        O         R         T         H
               Goal #3                                                    ●                             ●
                Maintain a high quality and comprehensive health inspection program through conducting plan reviews, issuing permits, and conducting
                inspections in accordance with the Code of Ordinances.
                1. Conduct routine/timely inspections to prevent foodborne illnesses.
                2. Maintain average inspections scores of 90% or higher through reinspections and compliance education.
                3. Promote safe sanitation practices through internal and external community education.

                                                                         Actual    Actual   Budget    Budget
               Performance Measures                                     2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
                Food Establishment, Pool/Spa, and Childcare Facility Permits Issued  -  -    510       530
                Average inspection score of Food Establishments and Pool/Spas  -     -        93       94
                Licenses and Certifications obtained                       -         -        4         6
                Number of skill advancement trainings completed by Health Inspectors  -  -    2         4
                Number of community education events hosted for public access  -     -        -         4

                                                                 N        O         R         T         H
               Goal #4                                                    ●
                Increase the professional capacity and skill level of the Regulatory Compliance professionals though maintaining current certifications
                and conducting new skill/knowledge training for all staff.
                1. Engage in higher level training courses to increase the total certifications maintained by staff.
                2. Expand network and exchange resources with professionals from external organizations.
                3. Provide internal workshops and annual training department-wide to provide further education and collaboration opportunities.

                                                                         Actual    Actual   Budget    Budget
               Performance Measures                                     2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
                Certifications obtained                                   16        17        18       23
                Cross-training of interdepartmental job functions          -         -        2         4
                Cross-training of external department job functions        3         -        4         8
                Department Workshops/Trainings Hosted                      -         -        4         6

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