Page 206 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 206

N          O          R           T          H
         Goal #3                                                 ●                     ●           ●

          Preserve Natural Spaces
          Protect ecologically sensitive areas through land preservation and environmentally conscious practices

          1. Irrigation inspections take place regularly to ensure environmentally conscious water conservation efforts on public grounds
          2. Employ environmentally sound fertilization, herbicide, and insecticide application practices
          3. Use sustainable plant materials that are native or adapted to the region and disease and insect resistant

                                                                          Actual     Actual     Budget      Budget
         Performance Measures                                            2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022   2022-2023
          Median irrigation system inspections                             108         108        108        108
          New trees planted                                                 1           8         12          14

                                                                 N          O          R           T          H
         Goal #4                                                 ●                     ●           ●
          Improve Health and Wellness
          Provide safe and engaging spaces and opportunities for residents to connect, build relationships, improve health, and make memories

          1. Provide assistance and support during citywide special events and some recreational programming
          2. Preserve the memorial benches, bricks, and tree inventory

                                                                          Actual     Actual     Budget      Budget
         Performance Measures                                            2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022   2022-2023
          Special events                                                    10         10         10          10
          Memorial benches, bricks, and tree inventory                     308         312        315        320

                                                                 N          O          R           T          H
         Goal #5                                                 ●                     ●           ●          ●

          Cultivate Community Pride
          Provide parks, programs, and events that foster pride, generate positive attention and encourage tourism and economic growth

          1. Provide a welcoming first impression to all municipal buildings and properties
          2. Maintain public grounds on medians to be sustainable
          3. Maintain the citywide rights-of-way to be viable

                                                                          Actual     Actual     Budget      Budget
         Performance Measures                                            2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022   2022-2023
          Municipal buildings and properties maintained (acres)            143         152        152        152
          Median maintenance (miles)                                        29         29         30          30
          Rights-of-way maintenance  (miles)                                87         88         90          90

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