Page 194 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 194

N          O          R          T          H
         Goal #3                                                                       ●                     ●

          Research and implement ways to make City facilities more energy efficient

          1. Continue the LED light fixture replacement program to provide a better return on investment.
          2. Regularly evaluate HVAC units and replace aging equipment with more efficient units.
          3. Identify and prioritize the replacement of aging infrastructure with more energy efficient systems to reduce costs for the City.

                                                                          Actual     Actual     Budget     Budget
         Performance Measures                                            2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
          Retrofit outdated lighting with LED's                             20         60         85         110
          Replace HVAC units with higher SEER rating as needed              2          3           2          2
          Replace plumbing fixtures with water saving features              4          4          10         30

                                       Actual           Actual         Budget           Budget         % Change
         Facilities Management        2019-2020       2020-2021       2021-2022        2022-2023       2022-2023
         Personnel Services        $              391,264 $              347,548 $              482,644 $              509,448  5.55%
         Operations                                821,164                 176,676                 803,257                 853,014  6.19%
           Total                   $           1,212,428  $               524,223 $            1,285,901 $            1,362,462  5.95%

                 Facilities Management               2020-2021     2021-2022      2022-2023     2022-2023
                 Full Time Equivilent Positions        Budget        Budget        Budget        Change
                 Building Maintenance Supervisor          1             1             1
                 Building Maintenance Technicians         3             4             4
                 Total                                    4             5             5             0

               Contact: Andy Hale, 817-276-3626

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