Page 190 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 190
Budget Summary
The Building Services Division includes Building Services Administration, Facilities Management,
Building Safety/Inspections, and the Construction Codes Board of Adjustment.
The Building Services Division budget increased 31.04% due primarily to the addition of contractual
services. The City of Mansfield is rapidly growing, and City staff in the Building Safety/Inspections
Department issued a record number of permit applications in FY 2021-2022. The increased surge of
residential permits has brought a correlating amount of application requests, plan reviews and building
inspection requests. One full-time equivalent position for a building inspector was approved in the FY
2022-2023 budget. However, the department also enlisted the help of an outside agency to relieve the
number of inspections City staff were conducting daily. The contract is on a per-service basis.
Increases in Facilities Management were less than 6% and can be contributed to both personnel and
operations and maintenance. Salary adjustments were made in the FY 2022-2023 budget for City
maintenance workers. The cost of cleaning and building maintenance supplies have increased with supply
chain issues.
The budget for the Construction Codes Board of Adjustment was reduced based on limited activity in the
previous fiscal year. This budget is primarily used for the demolition of unsafe structures around the City.
Building Services Actual Actual Budget Budget % Change
Departments 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2022-2023
Administration $ 410,369 $ 329,645 $ 368,753 $ 367,506 -0.34%
Building Maintenance 1,212,428 524,223 1,285,901 1,362,462 5.95%
Safety/Inspections 1,227,397 1,132,907 1,283,724 2,136,892 66.46%
Construction Codes Board 50,528 639 30,175 23,179 -23.18%
Total $ 2,900,722 $ 1,987,415 $ 2,968,553 $ 3,890,039 31.04%
Division Actual Actual Budget Budget % Change
Summary 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2022-2023
Personnel Services $ 1,763,946 $ 1,629,319 $ 1,913,430 $ 2,040,010 6.62%
Operations 1,136,776 358,096 1,055,123 1,850,029 75.34%
Total $ 2,900,722 $ 1,987,415 $ 2,968,553 $ 3,890,039 31.04%