Page 186 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 186
Planning & Zoning Commission
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Planning and Zoning Commission is to continuously provide updated comprehensive Future Land Use Plans,
to exercise control over subdivision of land and to advise City Council on matters related to zoning and impact fees.
Services Provided:
1. Reviews plats and makes recommendations to City Council regarding site plans and requests for zoning changes.
2. Makes recommendations regarding changes to the City’s zoning and subdivision ordinances, the City’s comprehensive land-use plan,
and its impact fee requirements.
3. Serves as the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee and the Tree Board.
Goal #1
Identify key planning areas within the City of Mansfield and implement programs that encourage quality development and enhance
property values.
1. Conduct periodic review of problems, complaints, concerns and questions about local zoning and development policies, and make
recommendations regarding appropriate changes to current policies and procedures.
2. Carry out studies and public hearings for zoning changes and amendments requested by the City Council and identified by staff.
3. Conduct changes in Land Use categories and development trends and make recommendations regarding proper changes to local codes
and fees.
Goal #2
Update long range plans and develop long range policies.
1. Update the Future Land Use Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Water & Sewer Plan and Subdivision Ordinances to reflect the changing residenti
2. Amend the zoning regulations as needed to accommodate future development.
3. Review the Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee Analysis annually during the budget process and recommend any changes to
City Council.
Actual Actual Budget Budget % Change
Planning & Zoning 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2022-2023
Personnel Services $ 2,741 $ 343 $ 2,580 $ 2,580 -0.01%
Operations 8,824 7,983 11,441 19,256 68.31%
Total $ 11,565 $ 8,326 $ 14,021 $ 21,836 55.74%
Note: No full-time positions are budgeted in this activity. Personnel Services includes overtime costs for
the Planning Administrative Assistant to attend and record the minutes of Commission meetings.
Performance measures may be found in the Planning Department overall performance measures.
Contact: Jason Alexander, 817-276-4244