Page 174 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 174

         1. Perform data analysis to identify key performance indicators.
         2. Work with dispatch center to decrease call processing times.
         3. Purchase and implement a modern traffic preemption system.
         4. Achieve turnout time of 1:30 or less.

                                                                          Actual      Actual     Budget     Budget
        Performance Measures                                             2019-2020  2020-2021   2021-2022  2022-2023
         Percentage of response times that are less than 8:00 minutes.     81%         81%        78%        80%
         First apparatus turnout time (Average)                                             -  1:26  1:32    1:30
         First apparatus travel time (Average)                                              -  4:11  4:19    4:00

                                                                 N          O           R          T          H
        Goal #3                                                  ●          ●

         Develop an equipment replacement plan to include departmental computer systems, tablets, and mobile data terminals.

         1. Determine current state of departmental assets.
         2. Create an appropriate replacement schedule.
         3. Develop a plan for the prioritized replacement of aging systems.
         4. Identify all associated costs .
         5. Develop timeline for replacement.

                                                                          Actual      Actual     Budget     Budget
        Performance Measures                                             2019-2020  2020-2021   2021-2022  2022-2023
         Number of departmental computer systems and tablets
         maintained by Public Safety IT Specialist.                        N/A         N/A         79         91
         Systems greater than 5 years in service.                          N/A         N/A         28         33
         Computers for fire station reporting due for replacement.         N/A         N/A         3          6
         Computers for EMS supply tracking due for replacement.            N/A         N/A                         -  4
         Mobile Computer Terminals (MCT) for Emergency response
         vehicles due for replacement.                                     N/A         N/A         3          3
         Computers at Fire Admin due for replacement.                      N/A         N/A         2          9

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