Page 172 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 172
Budget Summary
The City of Mansfield operates five Fire Stations across the City, with the potential for a sixth station as
the southern sector continues to grow. The Mansfield Fire Department includes five divisions.
Overall, the Fire Department budget increased 8.44% in FY 2022-2023. Personnel costs increased with
the implementation of a step plan. Like the Police Department, Fire and Human Resources looked at
market studies and neighboring cities to develop a sustainable yet competitive salary plan to aid in
recruitment and at the same time, help control costs.
Operational costs increased 21.41% due primarily to rising fuel and vehicle maintenance and repair costs.
The division that experienced the most significant increase was Emergency Medical Services. As a result
of COVID-19 and supply chain issues, many medical supplies and personal protective equipment items
have gone up in unit pricing. The primary increase in FY 2022-2023 is due to a lease contract for medical
and rescue equipment. In the past, equipment has been replaced using capital funds when available.
Often, equipment was being used beyond its useful life, and obsolete models were no longer supported by
the manufacturer. The 10-year lease agreement includes regular maintenance and replacements that will
ensure the Fire Department is using the most up-to-date version of emergency care equipment.