Page 117 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 117

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                 Special Revenue Funds


          Resources for this fund are provided through the sale of property confiscated from illegal drug
          activities.  The money is used by the Police Department to further reduce criminal activities in the
          City.  Some of the purchases made possible with these funds have been tactical uniforms and
          equipment, raid jackets (for detectives), a mobile data terminal and a negotiator’s telephone.

                                                 POLICE FORFEITURE FUND
                                                     BUDGET SUMMARY
                                                               Actual      Adopted      Projected      Adopted
            FUND  23                                          FY2021        FY2022       FY2022        FY2023
            Fund Balance, Beginning                                      64,282                63,768                65,979                65,465

                Awarded Property Revenue                                 14,266                18,000                14,266                18,000
                Interest Income                                               273                     220                     220                     250
                   Total Revenues                                        14,539                18,220                14,486                18,250
            Funds Available                                              78,821                81,988                80,465                83,715

                Operations Expenditures                                  12,842                16,000                15,000                16,000
                   Total Expenditures                                    12,842                16,000                15,000                16,000

            Fund Balance, Ending                                         65,979                65,988                65,465                67,715

                                       Police Forfeiture Fund Ending Fund Balance




                                Actual 2021        Adopted 2022        Projected 2022      Proposed 2023
   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122