Page 114 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 114

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                 Special Revenue Funds

          PEG FUND

          PEG stands for Public, Education and Government.  This fund was established in Fiscal Year
          2014 to segregate the portion of the cable franchise fee that must be used to support the City’s
          government access channel.

                                                        PEG FUND
                                                   BUDGET SUMMARY

                                                             Actual       Adopted      Projected     Adopted
           FUND  20                                          FY2021       FY2022        FY2022        FY2023

           Fund Balance, Beginning                                    398,882              446,082              460,657              507,857

               Public Education and Government Fee                      60,527                50,000                50,000                50,000
               Interest Income                                            1,248                  6,000                  2,200                  3,000
                  Total Revenues                                        61,775                56,000                52,200                53,000

           Funds Available                                            460,657              502,082              512,857              560,857

               Operations Expenditures                                        -                  5,000                  5,000                  5,000
                  Total Expenditures                                          -                  5,000                  5,000                  5,000
           Fund Balance, Ending                                       460,657              497,082              507,857              555,857

                                               PEG Fund Ending Fund Balance

                                Actual 2021         Adopted 2022        Projected 2022      Proposed 2023
   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119