Page 113 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 113

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                 Special Revenue Funds

            GRANT FUND

          This fund accounts for federal, state and local grants received for a variety of departments and
          uses.  The grant proceeds are typically used for salary reimbursement and the purchase of various
          types of tools and equipment.

                                                       GRANT FUND
                                                    BUDGET SUMMARY
                                                              Actual      Adopted      Projected     Adopted
            FUND  19                                         FY2021        FY2022       FY2022        FY2023
            Fund Balance, Beginning                                    168,827              147,496              216,860              196,017

                Federal Intergovernmental Revenues                       18,299              125,000                90,000              125,000
                State Intergovernmental Revenues                         53,394                  5,000                  5,000                  5,000
                Interest income                                               422                     250                     600                      -
                   Total Revenues                                        72,115              130,250                95,600              130,000

            Funds Available                                            240,942              277,746              312,460              326,017

                    Step Speed Grant                                     11,148                26,201                26,201                22,000
                    Bullet Proof Vest Grant                                6,421                  7,000                  6,000                  7,000
                    JAG Grant                                                  -              115,000                80,000              115,000
                    LEOSE Training Grant                                   5,470                  7,500                  4,000                  7,500
                    Library Books                                          1,043                      -                     242                      -
                Emergency Management
                    Urban Area Security Initiative                             -                      -                      -                      -
                   Total Expenditures                                    24,082              155,701              116,443              151,500

            Fund Balance, Ending                                       216,860              122,045              196,017              174,517

                                                  Grant Fund Expenditures



                               Actual 2021         Adopted 2022         Projected 2022      Proposed 2023
   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118