Page 108 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 108

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                 Special Revenue Funds


          Revenues for this fund come from the 7% Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax levied on all hotels and
          motels in the City.  Funds are used for advertising and general promotion of the City and historical
          preservation.  The City also uses these funds to support the beautification program.

                                                 HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND
                                                    BUDGET SUMMARY
                                                              Actual      Adopted      Projected     Adopted
            FUND 14                                          FY2021        FY2022       FY2022        FY2023

            Fund Balance, Beginning                                    160,432              146,778              191,103              189,107
                Hotel/Motel Tax Revenue                                  46,805                45,000                35,000                45,000
                Interest Income                                               437                     800                     800                     800
                   Total Revenues                                        47,243                45,800                35,800                45,800
            Funds Available                                            207,675              192,578              226,903              234,907

                Beautification Expenditures                                8,678                19,580                12,600                19,580
                Special Events - Overtime                                  7,194                24,136                24,136                24,172
                Non-Departmental                                              700                  1,120                  1,060                  1,120
                   Total Expenditures                                    16,572                44,836                37,796                44,872

            Fund Balance, Ending                                       191,103              147,742              189,107              190,035

                                       Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Ending Fund Balance

                                  Actual 2021        Adopted 2022        Projected 2022       Proposed 2023
   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113