Page 112 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 112

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                 Special Revenue Funds


          This fund accounts for fees collected from defendant convicted of running red lights at intersections
          that have red light cameras. Due to legislative changes we will no longer receive red light
          camera revenue from new issued fines (other than late funds received). However, we will
          continue to use fund balance for expenses.

                                                RED LIGHT CAMERA FUND
                                                    BUDGET SUMMARY

                                                              Actual      Adopted      Projected     Adopted
            FUND 18                                          FY2021        FY2022       FY2022        FY2023

            Fund Balance, Beginning                                    398,882              229,247              323,950              213,907

                Red Light Camera Fees                                                       -                  1,000                      -
                Interest Income                                            2,600                  1,400                  1,407                      -
                   Total Revenues                                          2,600                  1,400                  2,407                      -

            Funds Available                                            401,482              230,647              326,357              213,907
                Operations Expenditures                                  77,531                88,500                77,450                28,000
                Capital Expenditures                                           -                60,000                35,000                40,000
                   Total Expenditures                                    77,531              148,500              112,450                68,000
            Fund Balance, Ending                                       323,950                82,147              213,907              145,907

                                        Red Light Camera Fund Ending Fund Balance





                                Actual 2021         Adopted 2022        Projected 2022      Proposed 2023
   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117