Page 119 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 119

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                 Special Revenue Funds


          This City has a Park Dedication Ordinance which requires developers of any residential property in
          the City to either dedicate park land or pay cash in lieu of land dedication.  Money received must
          be used for park development and park improvements.

                                                 PARK DEDICATION FUND
                                                    BUDGET SUMMARY

                                                              Actual      Adopted       Projected     Adopted
           FUND  25                                          FY2021        FY2022        FY2022       FY2023

           Fund Balance, Beginning                                     195,707              165,904              170,696              140,893

               Interest Income                                                615                     800                     831                     800
                  Total Revenues                                              615                     800                     831                     800

           Funds Available                                             196,322              166,704              171,527              141,693

               Operations Expenditures                                   25,626                26,650                30,634                85,000
                  Total Expenditures                                     25,626                26,650                30,634                85,000

           Fund Balance, Ending                                        170,696              140,054              140,893                56,693

                                       Park Dedication Fund Ending Fund Balance





                              Actual 2021         Adopted 2022          Projected 2022       Proposed 2023
   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124