Page 557 - FortWorthFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 557
City of Fort Worth
FY2023 Salary Schedule (by Job Code)
Minimum Midpoint Maximum
Job Title Job Code* Grade Quartile 1** Quartile 2** Quartile 3** Quartile 4**
$/hr Annual $/hr Annual $/hr Annual $/hr Annual $/hr Annual
Police Trainee 1000 N X17 19.25 40,040
Police Assistant Chief 1006 E 309 64.80 134,779 75.33 156,680 85.86 178,582 96.39 200,483 106.92 222,385
Fire Trainee 1026 N Y17 19.19 39,915
Fire Assistant Chief 1027 E Y08 74.01 153,942 76.97 160,101 79.93 166,260 82.89 172,418 85.85 178,577
Police Deputy Chief 1530 E 306 55.12 114,642 64.07 133,272 73.03 151,901 81.99 170,531 90.94 189,160
Fire Deputy Chief 1532 N Y07 65.87 137,018 68.51 142,497 71.14 147,975 73.78 153,453 76.41 158,931
Police Commander 1564 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Fire Director AD1011 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst City Auditor AD1021 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst City Secretary AD1031 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Code Compliance Director AD1041 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Finance Director AD1051 E 307 57.54 119,692 66.90 139,142 76.25 158,592 85.60 178,042 94.95 197,492
Asst Human Resources Director AD1061 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst IT Solutions Director AD1071 E 307 57.54 119,692 66.90 139,142 76.25 158,592 85.60 178,042 94.95 197,492
Asst Library Director AD1081 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Municipal Court Svcs Director AD1091 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Park/Recreation Director AD1101 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Development Services Director AD1111 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Police Director AD1121 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Property Management Director AD1131 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Pub Facilities/Events Director AD1141 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Trans/Public Works Director AD1151 E 307 57.54 119,692 66.90 139,142 76.25 158,592 85.60 178,042 94.95 197,492
Asst Water Director AD1161 E 307 57.54 119,692 66.90 139,142 76.25 158,592 85.60 178,042 94.95 197,492
City Marshal AD1171 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Clerk Of Municipal Court AD1181 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Deputy City Attorney AD1191 E 309 64.80 134,779 75.33 156,680 85.86 178,582 96.39 200,483 106.92 222,385
Asst Neighborhood Svcs Director AD1221 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Economic Development Director AD1231 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Aviation Director AD1241 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Diversity & Inclusion Director AD1251 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Police Oversight Deputy Director AD1261 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Asst Planning/Data Analytics Director AD1271 E 305 52.69 109,593 61.25 127,401 69.81 145,210 78.37 163,019 86.94 180,828
Chief Judge AP1011 E 400 Set by Agreement
City Attorney AP1021 E 400 Set by Agreement
City Auditor AP1031 E 400 Set by Agreement
City Manager AP1041 E 400 Set by Agreement
City Secretary AP1051 E 400 Set by Agreement
Deputy Chief Judge AP1061 E 614 42.00 87,354 48.30 100,458 54.60 113,561 60.90 126,664 67.20 139,767
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