Page 72 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 72


                                                                 BUILDInG THE BUDGET

            of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Dallas/Fort Worth Area, less food and energy.  This includes any contract
            increases, salary increases, or any expenses that relate to the current cost of doing business. Any expenses that are
            service enhancements or unfunded legislative mandates are not included in this self-imposed limit. The CPI used in the
            FY 2022 budget is shown in Figure 6.  These are just some of the strategies that are used to manage expenses.

            Maintaining Optimum Fund Balances
            Another  important  financial  goal  is  ensuring  the  maintenance  of  optimum  fund  balances  in  operating  funds,    in
            accordance  with  City  policy,  which  can  be  found  in  the  Appendix.  Maintaining  proper  reserves  increases  the
            organization’s ability to absorb or respond to temporary changes in the environment or circumstances, such as an
            unanticipated event or changes related to operating revenues. Per the Fund Balance Policy, the undesignated fund
            balance in the General Fund should range between 15% and 25% of operating expenses. For FY 2022, 25.41% of
            General Fund operating expenses are reserved for unanticipated or emergency needs.

            Forecast Expenditures
            The City of Southlake conducts a five year forecast for the General Fund, Utility Fund, Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund, and
            sales tax funds. These forecasts reflect the annual projected expenditures required to sustain the current adopted level
            of service, meet debt obligations, and the obligations of the adopted Capital Improvements Program. In addition to
            forecasting using the assumptions shown in this section, the financial model conducts several scenarios to understand
            the health of the fund in the event of an impact on revenues. The forecast for the General Fund is shown in the chart

                                    general fund five year finanCial fOreCasT*
                                                    fy 2022 - fy 2026
                                      fy 2022        fy 2023        fy 2024        fy 2025       fy 2026
                     revenue         PrOPOsed       fOreCasT       fOreCasT       fOreCasT      fOreCasT

                    Revenues        $49,563,909   $50,251,098    $50,620,291     $50,874,089   $51,089,355

                    Expenses        $43,539,922   $45,584,116    $46,633,394     $47,555,156   $48,505,985
                    Surplus/        $6,023,987     $4,666,982     $3,986,897     $3,318,933    $2,583,370

                  Net Transfers    ($5,625,577)   ($4,314,705)   ($3,603,779)   ($2,992,798)   ($2,681,762)

                    Reserves        $11,062,268   $11,414,545    $11,797,663     $12,123,798   $12,125,406

                 Reserves as a %
                  of Operating        25.41%         25.04%        25.30%          25.49%        25.00%
                *Forecast is not a budget, but is a preliminary estimate of FY 2022 to FY 2026 financial results.
            Forecast Results
            The FY 2022 to FY 2026 five year financial forecast indicates a structurally balanced budget, while aligning with the
            City’s financial principles. Under this forecast, the City of Southlake does not anticipate the need for service reductions
            to meet the needs of today’s service levels. This forecast is continually updated throughout the fiscal year to ensure
            continued accuracy of these projections.

                                                                           BUDGET BOOK   |  FY 2022 City of Southlake  71
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