Page 75 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 75


                                       BUDGET In BrIEF

                            FY 2022 ADOPTED BUDGET

        FY 2022 ADOPTED BUDGET - $137.7 MILLION

                                                                   GENERAL FUND - $43.8 MILLION
                                                                   Supports most basic city functions, such operations
                                                                   as  police,  fire,  engineering,  planning,  finance  and

                                                                   OTHER FUNDS - $61.1 MILLION
                                                                   These funds are restricted by law on their use, and
                                                                   includes  Utility  Fund,  Hotel  Occupancy  Tax  Fund,
                                                                   sales tax funds, and all other special revenue funds.

                                                                   CAPITAL BUDGET - $32.8 MILLION
                                                                   Supports the projects identified for FY 2022 in the
                                                                   Capital Improvements Program (CIP).


                 STrUCTUrAL BALAnCE
                 The FY 2022 adopted budget is a structurally balanced budget while maintaining alignment with our financial
                 principles and without reducing service levels.
                  TAXPAYEr rELIEF
                  In FY 2022, the City of Southlake is proposing a 1.5 cent tax decrease. The tax rate decrease will complement
                  the  exemptions  adopted  by  Council,  including  the  20%  homestead  exemption  which  is  the  maximum
                  percentage allowed by State law.
                 OPTIMUM FUnD BALAnCES
                 Maintaining proper reserves increases the organization’s ability to absorb or respond to temporary changes
                 in  the  environment  or  circumstances,  such  as  an  unanticipated  event  or  changes  related  to  operating
                 revenues.  This budget provides for optimum fund balances in all funds.
                 AAA BOnD rATInG
                 The City of Southlake maintains a AAA bond rating from by both Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s. This
                 is the highest possible rating given to a credit. Not only does it reinforce that the City has strong financial
                 management tools, it also allows for favorable borrowing conditions when the time is right.
                 The FY 2022 Capital Budget is funded 74% with cash, reducing the need to borrow debt to fund capital
                 projects. This is just one of the City’ strategies used to manage debt obligations.

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