Page 76 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 76


                                                                      BUDGET In BrIEF

            FY 2022 ADOPTED GEnErAL FUnD BUDGET

            GEnErAL FUnD rEVEnUES                                  GEnErAL FUnD EXPEnSES
            General Fund revenues are largely made up of ad valorem   General Fund expenses support basic city services, with
            taxes and general fund sales tax. In FY 2022, the General   the  largest  portion  going  toward  Public  Safety.  The  FY
            Fund anticipates revenues of $49,563,909.              2022 General Fund budget by service area is shown in the
                                                                   chart below. The FY 2022 Adopted General Fund budget is
                    CHARGES FOR SERVICES  PERMITS / FEES MISCELLANEOUS  $43,789,728.
                        2.4%     2.4%   0.7% INTEREST INCOME
                          FINES              0.2%

                         FRANCHISE                                                   COMMUNITY SERVICES
                          TAXES                                       ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT  15.3%
                          5.7%                                                                         GENERAL GOVERNMENT
                                                                    PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT
                                                                              PUBLIC WORKS
                                                   AD VALOREM TAX
                  GENERAL FUND SALES TAX             53.8%

                                                                                                    PUBLIC SAFETY

            FY 2022 FUnDInG PrIOrITIES

              $6.03M FOr rOADS                 $450K FOr SIDEWALKS                $443K FOr FIrE SAFETY

            This funding is in addition        This funding is in addition          Funding for fire safety
             to the road maintenance            to the sidewalk funding           equipment, including a self-
              that is included in the          that is included with other      contained breathing apparatus,
            Streets operating budget.               capital projects.             tanker truck, and paratech
                                                                                  vehicle rescue strut system.

                $371K FOr POLICE                $5.3M FOr DrAInAGE              nO SErVICE rEDUCTIOnS
                   EQUIPMEnT                       IMPrOVEMEnTS                   This budget proposes no

                This budget proposes            The Capital Improvements          reduction to services, and
             equipment replacement for        Program includes funding for        returns many services to
               police tasers, body worn         drainage improvements in            pre-pandemic levels.
            cameras, and other equipment       addition to funding included
              through the Crime Control            with other projects.
               Prevention District fund.                                   BUDGET BOOK   |  FY 2022 City of Southlake  75
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81