Page 69 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 69


                                       BUILDInG THE BUDGET


        Building a budget requires careful consideration of a number of environmental   Financial PrinciPles
        factors to ensure that it is structurally balanced. This section describes the key   structural Balance
        factors, growth assumptions, and priorities that are evaluated when developing
        the annual budget.                                                            taxpayer relieF

        CITY COUnCIL POLICY DIrECTIOn                                             strong net revenues
        City Council holds two strategic planning sessions with staff annually to discuss   optimum Fund
        policy direction and strategic priorities. For FY 2022, the City Council prioritized
        financial principles for this budget as shown in Figure 3. These financial principles   Balances
        serve as a guide to staff during the development of the budget. A discussion of   limited expenditure
        how these financial principles are implemented in this budget can be found in
        the Transmittal Letter.                                                            growth
                     Economic  and  fiscal  wellness  is  a  balance  between  today’s
                     financial  position  and  the  financial  needs  of  tomorrow.  It  is   sustainaBility
                     maintaining control over current reserves, debt and expenditures   aaa Bond rating
                     to ensure the City is able to meet the financial requirements
        of the future. In addition to the annual feedback from City Council, the City’s   maintenance
        budget and policy direction is guided by adopted 2030/2035 Comprehensive        cash Funding
        Plans. These City Council adopted long-term plans are linked to new requests
        for the annual operating budget and the Capital Improvements Program. More       / strategic
        information about these plans and how they impact operations can be found in   management oF deBt
        the Strategic Direction section or at
                                                                                    Figure 3:  Financial Principles
        It is also important to note that in 2015, the City Council adopted the Southlake
        2030 Sustainability Plan, which works to protect and enhance the quality of
        life  for  present  and  future  generations  in  Southlake  through  both  environmental  and  financial  sustainability.  The
        priorities identified in this plan provide a map for the long term economic and fiscal wellness of the city. The plan
        recommendations can be found below in Figure 4. The full Economic/Fiscal Wellness section of the plan, which includes
        plan recommendations and financial modeling through 2035 can be found in the Appendix.

                        southlake 2030 sustainability Plan - economic/Fiscal Wellness

            eFw1:  apply sound Financial
             policies to the city’s Budget
             By maintaining structural              eFw2:  apply deBt             eFw3:  Fund and adopt
             Balance,  strong reserves,        management strategies to           annual city operating
               conservative Budgeting,            the city’s Budgeting           Budget, capital projects
            eFFective economic analysis                                          and equipment through
            and understanding the true                                           sound Financial policies
               cost oF doing Business

                   Figure 4:  Economic / Fiscal Wellness Priorities identified in the Southlake 2030 Sustainability Plan

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