Page 466 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 466



                           Funding   Total Prior
             Project number                      FY 2022   FY 2023  FY 2024   FY 2025   FY 2026   Beyond     Total
                           Source     Funding

            Royal & Annie   Funding is planned for the design and development of improvements at Royal & Annie Smith Park as per the adopted Southlake
            Smith Park    2035 Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.  The project scope includes: passive uses such as frisbee golf or other,
            Improvements  signage, trail connectivity, park restroom, water bottle refill station, and park amenities.

            2022-70       SPDC Fund          $0        $0        $0       $0        $0        $0   $530,000   $530,000

            Carillon Parks
            (Corporate Park,
            Lake Park, The   Funding is planned for improvements at Carillon parks as per the adopted Southlake 2035 Parks, Recreation & Open Space
            Preserve Park,   Master Plan.  Project scope includes: trail signage, lighting and distance markers, park signage, water bottle refill stations, tree
            Villa Park North  planting/irrigation, and park amenities.
            & Villa Park
            2022-71       SPDC Fund          $0        $0        $0       $0        $0        $0   $450,000   $450,000

            Noble Oaks Park  Funding is planned for improvements at Noble Oaks Park as per the adopted Southlake 2035 Parks, Recreation & Open Space
            Improvements  Master Plan.  The project scope includes: park and educational signage, additional park amenities and water bottle refill station.

            2022-72       SPDC Fund          $0        $0        $0       $0        $0        $0    $85,000    $85,000

            Oak Pointe Park  Funding is planned for the design and development of improvements at Oak Pointe Park as per the adopted Southlake 2035
            Improvements  Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.  The project scope includes: trail expansion and connectivity and park amenities.

            2022-73       SPDC Fund          $0        $0        $0       $0        $0        $0    $95,000    $95,000

                          Funding is planned for the design and development of improvements at The Cliffs Park the as per the adopted Southlake 2035
            The Cliffs Park   Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.  The project scope includes: trail connectivity and distance markers, off street
            Improvements  parking, pedestrian crossing at White Chapel Blvd., water bottle refill station, tree planting, irrigation, gazebo, trail lighting,
                          playground, park signage and park amenities.

            2022-74       SPDC Fund          $0        $0        $0       $0        $0        $0 $1,070,000  $1,070,000

            Parks Total               $11,178,323  $4,000,000  $5,300,000 $5,650,000 $10,900,000  $0 $42,990,000  $80,018,323

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