Page 176 - Southlake FY22 Budget
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                                                                 COMMUnITY SErVICES

                                               Department Goals

                                                   SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS

                 Provide     Continue Monthly   Meet the Needs and Interests of   Plan and   Enhance   Implement the
               Outstanding    Inspections of   the Community by Providing a   Develop   Department   Southlake 2030 Parks,
                Customer    Parks, Playgrounds,   Variety of High Quality Programs   Champions   Marketing   Recreation & Open
               Service and    and Irrigation   and Events that Provide Fun, Safe,   Club at   Initiatives   Space/Community
             Exceed Customer    Systems      and Accessible Environments for   The Marq           Facilities Master Plan by
               Expectations                   People of all Ages and Abilities   Southlake        Successfully Completing
                                                                                                    the Projects within
                                                                                                   the Approved Capital
                                                                                                  Improvement Program

                                                   MANAGE THE BUSINESS

               Achieve Accreditation   Develop and Implement a   Provide Guidelines and   Collaborate with   Manage   Collaborate
               through the National   Strategic Communications/  Training to Ensure all   the City Council   and Expand   with Athletic
                Recreation and Park     Marketing Plan that   Branding Requirements   and the Boards   Partnerships  Associations
                   Association        Encompasses Department      are Met       & Commissions
                                        Branding Guidelines                      to Identify and
                                                                                 Implement the
                                                                                 Needs of the

                                             PROVIDE FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP

              Maintain     Implement    Revise and   Explore Grant   Increase   Evolve with   Develop an   Maximize
             Accurate and   the Southlake   Implement   Opportunities  Sponsorships   Technology   Equipment   Efficiency
              Consistent   2030 PROS/CF   Cost Recovery            Revenue                 Maintenance   Through Use
              Policies and   Master Plan and   Policy                                     and Replacement   of Contract
              Procedures   Approved Capital                                                 Plan for the   Services
                          Improvement                                                       Community
                          Program (CIP)                                                     Recreation

                                               PROMOTE LEARNING & GROWTH

                       Develop and             Continue           Provide Opportunities        Build A Culture of
                    Implement Initiatives     Incorporating        to Obtain or Renew          High Performance
                    to Enhance Employee     Leadership Training      Licenses and
                       Engagement                                    Certifications

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