Page 246 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 246
Performance Measures
Actual Actual Budget Budget
Drainage and Environmental Services 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022
Work Orders Processed 76 45 90 90
Environmental Code Cases Processed 306 320 375 375
Channel Vegetation Control (acres) 114 120 120 120
Box Culverts (feet) 67,500 72,695 70,000 80,000
Open Channels (feet) 92,438 1,030,897 94,000 110,000
Storm Pipe (feet) 643,987 691,177 675,000 700,000
Street Sweeping Curb Miles 2,384 2,298 2,600 2,600
Public Education Posts/Articles 79 72 150 100
Bar Ditch Regrade (feet) 4,500 2,000 6,000 6,000
Bridge & Culvert Clearing/Repairs 2 1 20 20
Outfall Repairs 6 2 10 10
Channel Regrade (feet) - 150 1,000 1,000
Headwall Repairs 1 - 6 6
Miscellaneous Drainage Repairs 28 19 25 25
Inlets Cleared 18 7 25 25
Interdepartmental Personnel Trained 21 4 50 50
Litter Crew Weight Collected (pounds) Not reported 47,340 68,000 50,000
Average Days to Complete Work Orders 53 61 45 45
ECC Participation (households) 2,369 2,729 2,600 2,600
HHW Collected (pounds) 77,520 34,840 80,000 80,000
Electronics Recycled (pounds) 149,560 172,020 150,000 150,000
Mosquito Audits/Inspections 22 22 100 100
Street Sweeping Collection (cubic yards) 407 1,036 450 450
Measurable Outcomes:
• Use BMP implementation timeline as a framework to evaluate SWMP compliance.
• Develop tracking metrics for street sweeping program to ensure most effective implementation.
• Evaluate number of drainage work orders completed and days to complete.
Environmental Services Actual Actual Budget Budget % Change
Summary 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022
Personnel Services $ 581,101 $ 760,737 $ 868,084 $ 903,709 4.10%
Operations 502,706 451,699 552,956 441,805 -20.10%
Debt Service 545,205 532,261 519,750 526,710 1.34%
Reserve/Projects - 93,393 611,480 706,877 15.60%
Other/Transfers 169,494 180,251 130,768 130,768 0.00%
Total $ 1,798,506 $ 2,018,341 $ 2,683,038 $ 2,709,869 1.00%