Page 241 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 241


               MISSION STATEMENT:

               The mission of the Street Department is to sustain and optimize the
               structural life of  City streets,  sidewalks, traffic control devices,
               streetlights, pavement  markings and  drainage  in the most  cost-
               effective  manner,  and to  promote  safe and efficient traffic and
               pedestrian flow.

               Services Provided
                   •  Maintain the roadways, sidewalks, and drainage systems.
                   •  Maintain traffic signals, school flashers, and roadway
                   •  Maintain traffic signs and markings.

               Accomplishments in FY 2020-2021
                   •  Adapted to Covid-19 to minimize exposure to other team members, departments, and citizens.
                   •  Trained new employees and performed with no incidents/accidents during the February Winter
                   •  Kept on target with our goals and work order system during these two challenges.

               FY 2021-2022 Goals and Objectives

               1. Continually improve the effectiveness of services provided by the Street Operations Department.
                   •  Cross train all staff on equipment and other areas of responsibility outside of their current skill
                   •  Empower new staff members to take on stand-by duties.
                   •  Work to improve upon communications between Police and Streets.
                   •  Provide additional resources and expertise through outside vendors and contractors.

               2. Invest in staff development and morale of the Street Operations Department.
                    •  Promote “Team” spirit by providing team building exercises and events.
                    •  Promote continuous education and training for all staff members.
                    •  Provide recognition for top performers who “Keep Mansfield Beautiful.”

               3. Maintain City Streets to the highest standards, within budget, and other infrastructure (signals, signs,
                   and markings) to national standards.
                   •  Utilize Cooperative Purchasing Agreements to access contractors that specialize in the latest
                       methods and materials.
                   •  Continue to meet with vendors and adjacent jurisdictions/organizations to discuss their best
                       practices and techniques.

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