Page 345 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 345

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                AN   ORDINANCE          ADOPTING        THE    BUDGET       FOR    THE    FISCAL      YEAR
                OCTOBER            121 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30,  2022FOR                                    OF

                WHEREAS,  in       accordance      with   Article 5   of the   Hurst    Charter,   the City
                                Manager has at least 35 days prior to the beginning of the
                                2021- 2022 budget year to submit to the City Council a budget
                                and an explanatory budget message with the form and content
                                as prescribed by the Council.           The    Council determined that
                                public hearings should be held at a time and place which was
                                set forth in a notice published at least seven days prior to said
                                hearing;  and

               WHEREAS,         such   public   hearing    on  the   budget was duly held           and   all
                                interested persons given an opportunity to be heard for or
                                against any item therein.

               CITY OF HURST,  TEXAS:

               Section 1:    That the budget for the City of Hurst,  Texas,  for the fiscal period
                              beginning October 1,       2021,   and ending September 30,  2022,  in
                              words and figures as shown therein is adopted and approved as
                             filed herewith.

               Section 2:    That eligible and remaining fund balances from Fiscal Year 2021-
                              2022,   as calculated by Fiscal Services and approved by the City
                              Manager,  are hereby appropriated and transferred to the Special
                              Projects Fund and other Internal Services Funds as needed to
                             ensure financial sustainability.

               Section 3:    That the City Manager be and is hereby authorized to make
                             interdepartmental and interfund transfers during the fiscal year
                             as   deemed     necessary in      order   to  avoid    over -expenditure     of
                             particular accounts.

               Section 4:    That    the   City   Manager     or   his  designee     be   and   is  hereby
                             authorized to invest any funds not needed for current use in
                             accordance with the approved City of Hurst Investment Policy.
                             Interest    accrued    from   investments     shall   be deposited      to the
                             interest income account of the funds from which the principal
                             was invested.

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