Page 254 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 254



         The Street Division is responsible for maintaining 148 miles of paved concrete and asphalt streets throughout the City
         with various types of repair methods such as overlay, seal coat, patching and crack sealing.  The Traffic Control Section
         maintains 41 signals and 7,795 traffic control devices, such as signs and markings. This section also performs traffic
         counts for speed and warrant studies. This division also responds to all citizen complaints and related street, drainage
         & traffic emergencies that arise. This Division is also responsible for maintaining the drainage system consisting of
         fourteen miles of open channels, drainage pipes, inlets, curb, and gutters. This division maintains specific channels and
         bridges that are inspected by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and the Texas Department of Transportation’s bridge in-
         spection program. This division also performs street sweeping and responds to all citizen complaints related to drainage.


                                              FY 2022 EXPENSE FUNDS


                                                                                  General Fund

                                                         75%                      Storm Drainage

                                            BUDGET SUMMARY – ALL FUNDS

                                            ACTUAL        ACTUAL        BUDGET       ESTIMATED       ADOPTED
             CATEGORY                       FY 2019       FY 2020        FY 2021       FY 2021        FY 2022
             PERSONNEL SERVICES            1,109,580      1,113,480     1,200,699     1,120,151      1,260,640

             MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES          21,789         23,139        25,271        19,257          26,271

             MAINTENANCE                   1,077,937      896,692       1,186,635      987,054       1,362,885
             SUNDRY CHARGES                 499,884       506,247        635,883       359,132        641,879

             INTERNAL SERVICES              403,694       413,500        402,225       406,895        402,225

             CAPITAL OUTLAY                 175,840          0              0          913,744           0
             TOTAL                         3,288,724      2,953,058     3,450,713     3,806,233      3,693,900

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