Page 251 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 251
Mission Statement
o minimize wastewater collection service interruptions, ensure waste-
T water collection system infrastructure integrity and monitor wastewater
quality prior to entering the Fort Worth and Trinity River Authority wastewa-
ter collection systems.
Prior Year Results Future Initiatives
h Managed the Sanitary Sewer Overflow Initiative Continue to manage the Sanitary Sewer Overflow
(SSOI) program by completing 118 miles of sewer Initiative (SSOI) program by completing 115 miles of
sewer main cleaning, root treating 2.0 miles of main,
main cleaning, root treated 3.2 miles of mains,
chemically treating 2.5 miles of problematic mains
chemically treating 5.1 miles of mains for grease
for grease, and perform all necessary main and man-
control and performed 11 main repairs. hole repairs in a timely manner.
h Managed the Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) pro- Continue to manage the Fats Oils and Grease (FOG)
gram. program.
h Managed the cities pretreatment program by Continue to manage the cities pretreatment program
by registering and monitoring 14 grease haulers as
registering and monitoring 17 grease haulers who
they maintain commercial grease traps at various
maintain 200 commercial grease traps at various
restaurants in Hurst.
restaurants in Hurst.
Continue to manage the surcharge program to
h Managed the surcharge program to reduce reduce wastewater treatment charges by the annual
wastewater treatment charges by annual sam- sampling of 120 commercial and industrial sites.
pling of 150 commercial and industrial sites. Perform Internal Video Inspection of a minimum of
4,000 to 6,000 feet of sanitary sewer mains.
h Performed Internal Video Inspection of 2.8 miles
Submit a minimum of 4,000 to 6,000 feet of prob-
of problematic sanitary sewer mains.
lematic pipe to the Engineering Division for replace-
h Submitted 1.09 miles of problematic mains to the
Engineering Division for replacement. Further educate apartments, nursing homes, restau-
rants and schools on proper grease and non-flush-
able wipes disposal.