Page 247 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 247
Mission Statement
o provide safe and pure drinking water in sufficient volumes and under
T adequate pressure to the water customers of Hurst and maintain the
integrity of the water distribution system.
Prior Year Results Future Initiatives
h Completed and submitted all required report- Test, replace or repair 100 of the 2 inch or
ing and supporting data to the EPA. larger commercial meters.
h Completed and submitted all required report- Complete the North Precinct Line Elevated
ing to TCEQ. Storage Tank Repaint and Rehabilitation
h Completed and submitted all required report- Project.
ing and supporting data to the Texas Water Continue to monitor water quality through
Development Board. sampling for Nitrification Triggers as re-
h Cleaned and inspected 2 elevated storage quired in the Hurst Nitrification Action Plan.
tanks. Coordinate with Human Resources Depart-
h Cleaned and inspected 3 Ground storage ment on personnel recruitment and reten-
tanks. tion.
h Successfully managed the Stage 1 Drought Work towards meeting the EPA’s 2024 Lead
Contingency Plan. and Copper Rule Revisions
h Installed Aeration Units in 3 elevated storage Complete and submit the City of Hurst’s
tanks to assist in maintaining water quality. required Emergency Response Plan to the
h Maintained a high level of customer service Environmental Protection Agency by De-
during the COVID pandemic. cember 2021
h Completed and submitted in 2021 the 2020
Water Quality Report to TCEQ.