Page 250 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 250



         The Wastewater Division is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the City’s wastewater collection
         system, which consists of approximately 153 miles of sanitary sewer lines, 2,846 manholes, and 306 cleanouts.
         This division also administers the TCEQ Sanitary Sewer Overflow Initiative.  The Wastewater Division includes
         the Environmental Services section that ensures the City’s compliance with Federal wastewater discharge
         limitations, monitors high-strength wastewater customers, manages Grease Hauler Registrations, administers
         the vector control program, administers the Backflow and Cross-Connection Programs, and assists with the
         implementation of the City’s Storm Water Management Program.


                                        BUDGET SUMMARY – ENTERPRISE FUND
                                               ACTUAL        ACTUAL        BUDGET       ESTIMATED      ADOPTED
           CATEGORY                            FY 2019       FY 2020       FY 2021       FY 2021        FY 2022
            PERSONNEL SERVICES                 770,901       771,003       720,163       702,873        749,650

            MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES              33,060        72,834        42,673         61,720         42,673
            MAINTENANCE                        117,645       102,290       106,351       142,871        106,351

            SUNDRY CHARGES                    6,430,459     6,296,933     6,199,625     5,802,462      6,341,346
            INTERNAL SERVICES                  40,922        40,922        40,922         40,922         42,159

            CAPITAL OUTLAY                     627,646          0             0          933,473        638,000
            TOTAL                            $8,020,634    $7,283,981    $7,109,734     $7,684,321     $7,920,179

                                                  PERSONNEL SCHEDULE
                                                                ACTUAL        ACTUAL       ACTUAL      APPROVED
           POSITION TITLE                        PAY GRADE      FY 2019       FY 2020      FY 2021      FY 2022
            ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MANAGER         Exempt          1             1            1             1

            ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST               Exempt          1             0            0             0
            WASTEWATER MANAGER                        60           1             1            1             1

            ENVIRONMENTAL TECH                        57           1             1            1             1
            WU CREWLEADER                             56           2             2            2             2

            ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICIAN II               56           0             1            1             1
            WU MAINTENANCE WORKER                     52           4             4            4             4

           TOTAL                                                   10           10           10            10

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