Page 256 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 256
Mission Statement
o perform maintenance of the streets and traffic control systems in a professional
T manner that will provide safe and efficient movement of traffic on streets and de-
velop and implement comprehensive transportation plans that are efficient, safe and
environmentally friendly and to perform maintenance of the channels and drainage sys-
tems in a professional manner to provide safe and efficient flow of storm water runoff,
and develop and implement comprehensive and aggressive flood plain management that
is efficient, safe and environmentally friendly.
Prior Year Results Future Initiatives
h Overlaid 4.98 lane miles of road surface. Overlay 6 lane miles of road surface with asphalt.
h Crack sealed 18.26 lane miles of roadway surface.
Crack seal 20 lane miles of roadway surface.
h Seal coated 6.09 lane miles of asphalt roadway sur-
Seal Coat 6.08 lane miles of asphalt roadway surface.
Manage contractors for the Surface Drainage
h Contractors replaced a total of 1126 feet of curb and
gutter, 456 feet of sidewalk, 28 driveways, and 1 street Program replacement of curb and gutter, sidewalk,
valley gutter. handicap ramps, driveways, and valley gutters.
h Daily monitoring of the Tactics traffic signal and re- Replace faded or damaged signs as needed.
mote control system. Complete the replacement of the regulatory signs on
h Replaced all street name signs in the City with new the signal mast arms for improved visibility.
Hurst Logo and reflective material that were damaged
Submit sidewalk recommendations to Engineering
by inclement weather or vandalized. Division for the Safe Routes to Schools Program.
h Monitored traffic signal timing plans throughout the
Install battery backup systems for signal system at
h Program, troubleshoot, and maintain 24 school zone one intersection.
flashing signals. Install Grid Smart system at Precinct Line Rd at
h Managed vegetation control of the channels by herbi- Mid-Cities Blvd intersection.
cide application and mowing. Provide Engineering Division a list of drainage facili-
h Managed contractors for surface drainage program. ties that need repair or replacement.
h Submitted the Annual Storm Water Management Plan
Sweep all city streets three times in a year.
report to the Texas Commission on Environmental
Bridge and inlet inspection.
Quality (TCEQ).
Replacement of missing storm drain decals.
h Maintained the overland and underground storm
drainage system as needed. Removal of silt and debris from channels.
h Replaced 250 missing storm drain decals. Vegetation control in channels.
Respond to emergency complaints within thirty min-
h Swept all Hurst city streets three times.
utes and resolve within seventy-two hours.