Page 74 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 74

Budget Highlights

            recent collections are proving to be more resilient than originally anticipated. Sales Tax activity is expected to
            continue to pick up in FY2022 and be more stable than FY2020 or FY2021.

            Sales Tax is collected from a broad range of industries. Fort Worth receives a substantial amount of revenue from
            the retail, general services, professional services, food and wholesale industries.

            Other Taxes

            Other Taxes includes revenue from communications providers, utilities, taxes on beverage sales, and bingo-game
            receipts. The FY2022 Adopted Budget includes a reduction of $2.33M, or -4.3%, in Other Taxes. While major
            telecom franchise fees are budgeted to increase by $1.15M (50.1%), minor telecom reduced by $2.04M (-66.7%).
            Additionally, the cable franchise fee revenue decreased by $1.30M (-26.0%). These reductions in revenue are
            primarily due to Texas Senate Bills 1152 and 1004, which prevent payment of multiple franchise fees on existing
            network lines, and which set a maximum amount per network node.

            Licenses and Permits
            Licenses and Permits are primarily made up of the building, residential, alarm, and health permit fees. Revenues
            in this category are anticipated to increase by approximately $1.98M, or 11.2%, from the FY2021 budget. The main
            driver for the increased revenue is the associated with building permit revenue at $1.79M, or 19.7%.

            Intergovernmental Revenue
            Revenue from other government agencies is mainly made up of reimbursement for indirect costs. Revenues in
            this category are projected to decrease by approximately $13K, or 2.7%, from the FY2021 budget. This reduction
            is entirely attributable to a drop in Intrgv Rev – DFW Airport.

            Charges for Services
            Service  Charges  are  mainly  made  up  of  administrative  service  charges,  allocations  for  technology  services,
            deferred  and  penalty  fees  for  court  services,  plan  review  fees,  gas  well  annual  fees,  registration  fees,  site
            reservations, planning commission fees, mowing fees, and fire inspection fees. Revenues in this category are
            decreasing $359K, or 0.8%, from the FY2021 budget. This is due primarily to a decrease in registration revenue of
            $492K, or 40.3%. Non-General Charges for Services are covered in a succeeding section.

            Fines, Forfeitures, and Special Assessments
            Fines, Forfeitures and Special Assessments are mainly made up of traffic fines, general fines, and parking fines.
            Revenues in this category are projected to decrease by approximately $198K, or 3.7%, from the FY2021 budget.

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