Page 78 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 78
Budget Highlights
Municipal Courts includes the total reduction of seven positions to offset reclassifications. Two existing positions
have been reclassed into Sr. Business Process Analysts.
Non-Departmental includes an increase of $3.2M in general funding to reinstate salary assistance and other
holdings after these potential resources were reduced in the prior year due to strategic planning amid COVID-19.
More detail can be found on the Non-Departmental department summary of the General Fund.
Park and Recreation includes funding Council-approved prior year maintenance commitments and the addition
of seven positions in the General Fund and 13 grant-funded positions for the FWISD After School program.
Planning and Data Analytics increased by one AP transferred from the Library department. Operating expenses
increased by $1.7M due to the transfer of Public Art to the department.
Police Department includes funding for salaries and benefits as outlined in the Meet and Confer agreement, the
conversion of an overage sergeant position, the addition of two Internal Affair Sergeants to handle all
administrative complaints based on recommendations from the Police Expert Panel and the Office of the Police
Oversight Monitor and the addition of one position to continue implementation of a centralized asset
management system.
Transportation and Public Works includes an increase of one position for an addition to the Utility Inspection
team to assist with on-site inspections.
Community Tree Planting Program includes funding for equipment replacement and facility repair and
maintenance needs. There are five positions in the General Fund that are partially funded by the Community Tree
Planting Fund, which amount to 4.40 FTE.
Crime Control and Prevention District Fund includes the addition of 10 Civilian Response Specialists, five
Sergeants, four Corporal/Detectives and two neighborhood patrol officers.
Culture and Tourism Funds will continue to manage the contract with Visit Fort Worth and will also continue to
reimburse the management group for the Dickies Arena commercial liability insurance that is estimated to be
Municipal Golf Fund includes an overall increase in earned revenues of $467,158 (10%) over the FY2021 Adopted
Budget. The increase in revenues will largely fund equipment replacement and deferred preventative
maintenance and capital improvement projects. The budget also includes a minimum contribution of $65,000
toward achieving the mandated minimum fund balance.
Municipal Airports Fund includes an increase of one position for an Administrative Assistant postion.
Municipal Parking Fund is expecting an increase in revenue as COVID restrictions are lifted.
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