Page 122 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 122

General Fund


                                                          FY20           FY21            FY22
            Key Measures                                 Actual        Estimated        Target      Desired Level

            First Responder Services
               From 43 fire stations located throughout the city, provide first responder services for all hazards and medical emergency calls.

            Fire turnout time 80 seconds or less 90% of the time  92.2%  91.9%           90.0%          100%
            EMS turnout time 60 seconds or less 90% of the time  76.9%   78.2%           90.0%          100%
            Fire & EMS travel time 4 minutes or less 90% of the   42.6%  37.6%           90.0%          100%
            Full alarm response time 8 minutes or less 90% of the   59.8%  62.9%         90.0%          100%
            Residential structure fires contained to the room of   54.0%  50.9%          55.0%          100%
            origin 55% of the time

            Emergency Management
               Special Needs Assistance Program (SNAP) is an emergency preparedness database available to any resident of North Central Texas,
               adult or child, who may have an access or functional need that would require assistance before, during or after an emergency or local
               disaster. FortWorthTexasAlerts is a communication platform that connects public safety to the communities that they serve, allowing
               communication through text, email, and voice messages. It replaced the NIXLE platform in January 2020. Preparedness and response
               capabilities are maintained and enhanced when responsible staff train and exercise together on an ongoing basis.

            # participants in SNAP                        6,068          6,607           7,000           N/A
            # participants in FortWorthTexasAlerts        65,984         157,278        200,000          N/A

            Community Risk Reduction
               Proactive outreach to the community providing fire and other emergency risk reduction education/information.

            # of commercial fire inspections completed    4,175          3,759           7,500          9,900
            # citizens who received public education      62,949         23,878         75,000          75,000

            Emergency Call Center/Dispatch
               Answer 911 calls for emergency assistance and dispatch appropriate Fire Department response teams.

            Emergency calls answered within 15 seconds 95% of   98.2%    95.6%           95.0%          100%
            the time
            Emergency calls processed within 64 seconds 90% of
            the time                                      77.9%          75.2%           90.0%          100%

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