Page 70 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
P. 70

Business Plan                                         Return  to  Table  of  Contents
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                                           Enhance Regional Mobility

                          Goal 2: Plan, Manage, and Maintain Public Transportation Infrastructure
                           Objective 1: Optimize Effectiveness and Efficiency of Existing Transportation System
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)                Department(s)
             ERM   Update Street Condition       Citizen perception of overall road   Public Works & Transportation
             2.1.1                               condition as “good” or “excellent”
                                                 Lane Miles with Overall Condition
                                                 Index (OCI) <50

             In February 2013, City Council approved a new “Do Worst
             First” street condition philosophy through which to
             prioritize street projects.  Fundamental elements of this
             philosophy are:
                   Streets with an Overall Condition Index (OCI)
                    below 50, called red streets, are in failure, and
                    should be addressed first
                    Street maintenance work will be prioritized
                    toward the worst streets first
                   Rebuild work will be done on both thoroughfares
                    and residential streets, with thoroughfares given
                    higher priority when choices between the two
                    must be made

             With the passage of the 2018 Bond Election and continued
             focus on maintenance of red streets, the target is to
             reduce the FY 2015 baseline number of 326 red lane miles
             to achieve a more balanced network.

             FY 2022 Adopted Budget and Business Plan                                        59                                                                City of Arlington, Texas
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