Page 48 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 48


                                        Water & Wastewater Fund

                              Revenue and Expenditure Assumptions

                   Revenue Source                                      Assumptions

             Water Service                     Based on projected rate increases sufficient to cover increased
             Wastewater Service                Based on projected rate increases sufficient to cover increased
             Service Charges                   Based on average growth of 2%.
             EPA fees                          Based on average growth of 2%.
             Miscellaneous                     Based on average growth of 3%.
             Penalties                         Flat Year 2024-2025 with projected average growth of 2% Year
                      Expenditure                                      Assumptions
             Departmental expenses             Forecasted 2% for departmental operating expenses.  Non-
                                               departmental includes forecasted medical and salary increases.
                                               Medical is anticipated to rise 10% annually based on historical
                                               trends and salary increases are projected to rise 3% annually.
             Transfers – Capital               These transfers for maintenance of water and sewer lines are
                                               expected to remain flat in budgeted year and projected 2024-
                                               2025, with a 2% increase thereafter.
             Franchise Fees                    This amount reflects a 5% of water and wastewater revenue
                                               transfer to general fund for street rental.
             Debt Transfer                     Debt service transfers are projected to remain flat after 2025
                                               due to  Increased debt service.

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