Page 262 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 262

Summary of Expenditures by Category

        The Water/Sewer Fund Non-Departmental budget increased by $37,500 mainly due to the one-time approved
        request for the elevator upgrade and a merchant/bank charges adjustment. Vehicles supplies and maintenance
        reallocations from Water/Sewer departments into this budget also impacted the budget.

                                       FY2023             FY2024               FY2024              FY2025
                                        Actual            Adopted             Projected            Budget
         Personnel                      20,671             20,000                 0                10,000
         Supplies                        856               1,000                1,100              41,600
         Maintenance                       0                  0                   0                 5,400
         Contractual/Sundry            569,821            726,480              744,480             775,480
         Capital Outlay                  7,612             47,500                 0                   0
         Total Non-Departmental        $598,960           $794,980            $745,580            $832,480

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