Page 145 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 145
for FY2024-2025. Expenditures are budgeted at $10,000 this fiscal year for capital
projects. Expenditures can only be spent on capital items for the local access channel
as described by federal law. The estimated ending fund balance is $151,934.
Municipal Court Revenue Funds
Revenues for the Security Fund, Technology Fund, Truancy Prevention Fund, and Jury
Fund come from a $4.90, $4.00, $5.00, and $0.10 fee, respectively, on each citation for
which there is a conviction. Thus, as citations fluctuate up or down, these revenues are
increased or decreased. For FY2024-25, forecasted revenues are $57,800 for all of these
funds combined.
For each municipal court fund, funds can be used for only specific purposes that are
outlined under the provisions of the Code of Criminal procedures or changes under
Senate Bill 346. Expenses are for technology improvements for the Court office, a portion
of the Juvenile Case Manager salary, a part-time Deputy City Marshal and upgraded
ticket writers. The total budget for this year is $115,350, leaving combined fund balances
of $156,695.
Traffic Safety Fund
In June 2019, legislation passed by the 86 Texas Legislature (House Bill 1631) affected
cities that have automatic photographic enforcement programs. The City’s contract was
terminated June 1, 2019, when the law to ban photo enforcement programs became
effective. The City will close out the fund in FY2023-2024.
Grant Funds
In FY2019-2020, the City received a Staffing for Adequate Fire Emergency Response
(SAFER) Grant Award that provides for 75% funding of six Fire/EMS positions for the first
2 years of the grant, and 35% of funding for the 3 year of the grant. The SAFER Grant
Fund was completed in February 2023, and grant funding reduced to 0% in FY2023-2024,
thus increasing the general fund portion of funding for these positions.
The City received a CARES Act Grant for reimbursement of COVID-19 response
expenditures in the amount of $1,307,350 that was expended in fiscal years 2019-20 and
2020-21. The City earned and expended all of the funds by December 31, 2020, as
outlined in the CARES Act funding guidelines.
The American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CLFRF)
provides funding to local governments to broadly respond to the COVID-19 public health
emergency and restore governments to pre-pandemic staffing levels and for the provision
of general government services. Two tranches of payments were made to local
governments serving populations under 50,000. The City received a total of $6.072
million in CLFRF funding to be obligated by 2024 and fully expended by December 2026.
In July 2022, the City Council approved the Spending Plan Framework for the ARPA