Page 143 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 143


               completed by fiscal year end. See the General Capital Projects Fund for a more detailed

               Strategic Initiative Fund

               The Strategic Initiative Fund was created in FY2015-2016 to fund the strategic initiatives
               identified as priorities by Council.  The funding source for this fund is through General
               Fund transfers.  Last year the City closed out the use of the Strategic Initiative Fund and
               moved some of the balance to the General Fund for future projects.  The fund balance is
               expected to be $41,529.  The previous expenditures in this fund included $30,000 for the
               home revitalization program through the Tarrant County HOME program that has been
               moved  to  the  Development  Services  in  the  General  Fund.        The  General  Fund  will
               continue to fund Council initiatives in future years.

               Special Revenue Funds

               Economic Development Corporation

               The Economic Development Corporation (EDC) is funded by a ¼ cent sales tax and funds
               economic development activities and quality of life projects in the City.  Voters approved
               a 1/2 cent sales tax under Section 4B of Article 5190.6, Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes
               with an effective date of October 10, 1994. In May, 2012, Voters approved a reallocation
               of  1/4  cent  for  the  Watauga  Parks  Development  Corporation  to  go  towards  Street
               Maintenance, effective October 2012.  In FY2018-19, the Corporation was renamed the
               Watauga  Economic  Development  Corporation  (EDC).    Funds  can  only  be  used  for
               economic  development  activities  and  projects  and  funds  are  administered  under  the
               supervision  of  the  Economic  Development  Corporation  Board  of  Directors.    The  City
               Council  retains  final  oversight  authority  and  must  approve  the  EDC’s  programs  and

               Sales tax revenues are projected to be $996,000 for FY2024-FY2025.   The ¼ cent share
               of all local taxable sales are remitted by merchants to the State Comptroller’s Office and
               then distributed to the City on a monthly basis. This represents approximately 99% of total
               revenue for the Economic Development Corporation Fund.

               The  budget  for  this  fund  includes  funding  for  the  completion  of  various  economic
               development initiatives as guided by the Corporation’s strategic plan that was developed
               in FY2019-20 and updated in FY2020-21.  Expenditures are budgeted at $701,240.   The
               ending fund balance is projected to be $3,181,361.

               The EDC Capital Fund Budget includes $100,000 for the splashpad filtration upgrade and
               10,000 in contingency funding for projects that may be considered for funding for the fiscal
               year.   The projected ending fund balance is $26,345.

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