Page 120 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 120


               that have accrued over long periods of time.  When fund balances are used, the remaining
               fund  balances  are  well  above  the  minimums  approved  by  Council.  These  balances
               throughout the various City’s Funds are used to provide as much economic relief to our
               citizens  as  possible,  while  still  providing  a  financially  sound  and  strong  municipal


               Revenues  from  all  funds
               total    $49.3    million   in
               comparison  to  last  year’s
               $56.7  million.    Prior  year
               revenue  included  $8.950

               million     in     anticipated
               proceeds  from  the  2023
               Certificates  of  Obligation

               debt  issuance,  and  grant
               funds (American Rescue Act
               Plan  and  Tarrant  County

               Street  Funding)  of  $7.2
               million.     In  FY2024-2025,
               Property  and  Sales  tax
               make  up  41%  of  all
               revenues,      followed     by

               charges for services at 27%

               of  all  revenues.    Grant
               Revenues  make  up  12%  of  revenues  and  include  ARPA  and  Tarrant  County  Street
               funding  totaling  $5.79  million.  Bond  proceeds  are  not  budget  for  in
                                                          ALL CITY FUNDS TOTAL
                                                                                                  BUDGET VARIANCE
                                               FY2023                     FY2024        FY2025     EST FY2024 TO
                                               ACTUAL    FY2024 BUDGET   ESTIMATE       BUDGET        FY2025
                Estimated Revenues
                 Taxes / Assessments           10,220,724       11,365,500       11,527,300      12,225,000  7%
                 Sales Tax                        7,695,042         8,011,000          7,863,300        7,937,980  -1%
                 Licenses and Permits                783,980            762,700             831,450           825,500  8%
                 Franchise Fees                      904,302            917,500             873,500           883,500  -4%
                 Intergovt Revenue                   514,000            503,000             503,000           562,000  10%
                 Charges for Service           12,063,925       12,185,660       12,269,960      13,175,160  8%
                 Fines & Forfeitures                 508,588            606,800             537,200           637,800  5%
                 Interest on Investments          1,803,728         1,950,700          2,383,750        1,886,100  -3%
                 Grant Revenue                    2,642,940         7,200,000          1,391,000        5,702,049  -26%
                 Miscellaneous/Bond Proceeds      10,620,208         9,866,200          8,397,846        1,109,700  -789%
                 Operating Transfer In            3,921,765         3,280,000          3,730,000        4,328,640  24%
                 Total Current Year Revenues     51,679,202       56,649,060       50,308,306      49,273,429  -15%

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