Page 106 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 106


               FINANCIAL PLAN


               The  main  purpose  of  a  financial  plan  is  to  guide  the  City  in  financing  cost  effective
               services,  programs  and  capital  needs,  while  focusing  on  a  stabilized  tax  levy  and
               appropriate  levels  for  fees  and  service  charges  as  prescribed  by  approved  financial
               objectives. The annual audit, internal audits, and review of Monthly Financial Reports
               assure the compliance of financial objectives.

               Basis of Accounting and Budgeting

               Basis of Accounting

               The city’s accounting records for general governmental operations are maintained on a
               modified accrual basis according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
               Revenues  are  recognized  in  the  accounting  period  in  which  they  become  both
               measurable  and  available  to  finance  expenditures  of  the  fiscal  period.  "Measurable"
               means the amount of the transaction can be determined and "available" means collectible
               within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the
               current period.

               Proprietary funds use the accrual basis of accounting. Under this method, revenues are
               recorded  when  earned  (for  example,  water  &  sewer  and  drainage  utility  fees  are
               recognized as  revenue  when bills are  produced) and expenses are  recorded  when a
               commitment is made (e.g., through a purchase order).

               Basis of Budgeting

               Basis of budgeting refers to the methodology used to include revenues and expenditures
               in the budget.  The City of Watauga budgets on a cash basis.  The City does not budget
               for non-cash items such as depreciation.  The revenues and expenditures are assumed
               to be collected or spent during the period appropriated.  Using this assumption, the current
               year  revenues  are  compared  to  expenditures  to  ensure  that  each  fund  has  sufficient
               revenues to cover a revenue shortfall.  The City’s  operating budget is adopted on an
               annual basis (the fiscal year begins with the first day in October and ends on the last day
               of September), with all appropriations lapsing at fiscal year-end.  Capital project funds
               and grant funds have multi-year budgets.  Outstanding encumbrances at fiscal year-end
               are re-appropriated by Council ordinance and carry-over to the following fiscal year.

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